1 – All attendees must be 21 years of age or older at the date of the event. A government-issued photo ID is required for entry. 
2 – When entering the event grounds, you will be issued a wristband that must be worn at all times. Lost wristbands may be replaced with proper ID but are not transferable between attendees.
3 – All local, county, state, and federal laws apply to everyone on the venue grounds.
4 – All attendees within the themed area MUST stay in theme. This means that all cars, costumes, and camps must be presented in line with something you would see in a Mad Max movie, Fallout game, etc. Your interpretation of the apocalypse is encouraged, but we reserve the right to deny themed area access to anyone not in theme. There will be an un-themed area with camping available as well.
5 – Roleplaying your character is encouraged but not mandatory. Only your appearance must remain in theme.
6 – No one will be allowed (without special permission) on the venue grounds outside of these times.
7 – You are allowed to bring your own alcohol to the event, but may not share or sell it to anyone under the legal drinking age (21).
8 – No animals are allowed at the event.
9 – No illegal drugs or illegal drug paraphernalia will be allowed at the event.
10 – No working firearms, fireworks, explosives, or flame-throwing devices will be allowed on the event grounds. Prop weapons will be examined at the gate.
11 – Don’t be an asshole. This is a private event and we expect everyone to act with respect. We’re here to have fun, but not at the expense of any other attendees.
12 – Aftermath is a place that has always and will always be accepting of people from all backgrounds and walks of life, however one thing we will never be accepting of is hate. Hate has no place in our community and will absolutely not be tolerated. We’ve always had a “No politics in the wastes” policy, but now we would like to take that a step further. Absolutely no political iconography will be allowed at the event. If it comes from the real world, it doesn’t belong at Aftermath. You are all great and talented artists and creators, there is no reason to bring the real into our fictional apocalypse.
We strive to create a safe environment for all. We are inclusive group that promotes and values diversity. We welcome people from all races, identities, and sexualities and want them to feel comfortable participating in our event.
13 – The members of the Aftermath staff reserve the right to remove anyone from the event at any time for breaking these rules or at their discretion.
1 – Every weekend pass entitles each attendee a spot to camp for Thursday through Saturday night during the event. We are not strict on camp size at this time, but ask that you have respect for those around you.
2 – Individual camp fires will be allowed, but only within a metal fire pit or burn barrel. There will be firewood available as well. There will also be a main bonfire in the center of the event.
3- All camps within the marked themed area will NEED to stay themed. You can buy a modern tent, but you must paint it and weather it to look post-apocalyptic. Themed vehicles will be allowed in the camping area.
4 – An un-themed camping area will be provided for anyone who prefers.
5 – All trash you bring in MUST be taken back out by you.