Take I59 to Exit 183 and get off going east. That road is US Highway 431/278 and you’ll take that for roughly 9 miles until you get to a split in the road where you’ll turn left onto US Highway 278. Follow 278 for another 9 miles until you see Jenkins Road on the right. Turn right onto Jenkins Road until you get to Patterson Road S. where you’ll take a left. Look for the entrance signs a few feet down on your right.
Take I20 west until you get to Exit 11 and get off going north on Highway 27. Follow Highway 27 for 22 miles until you get to Jud Kin Mill Road where you’ll take a left. Drive another 2 miles until you get to Quarry Road where you’ll take a right, then a quick left onto S. Lewis Road. You’ll take that 1 mile until you get to US Highway 278 where you’ll take a left. Follow 278 for 32 miles until you see Jenkins Road on the right. Turn left onto Jenkins and go down to Patterson Road S. where you’ll take a left. Look for the entrance signs a few feet down on your right.